Kunal Sharma

Software Engineer with excellent problem-solving skills Leetcode and ability
to perform well in a team. Passionate about coding and developing
applications that could help millions.

My Experience


Sep'22 - Present

  • Worked on integrating event driven CORPORATE ACTIONS processing pipeline (Stock/Cash Dividends, Mergers, Acquisitions etc)
  • Created a Dashboard for handling Corporate Actions that improved the efficiency for corporate action processing by 70%. Leveraged Skills: Thymeleaf, ag-Grid, Spring Boot
  • Improved the test coverage of the application using test driven developement and adding code coverage tool
  • Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Postgres, Kafka, Git, REST API
Accolite Digital
Software Engr.

Feb'21 - Sep'22

  • Working on a Data Lake Platform to improve current features and add new functionalities that lowers the cloud data lake costs by 50%.
  • Migrated a Java [Swing] Desktop Application from Java 8 to 11 . Worked on resolving the Reflection Warnings and Java Internal Library Access issues.
  • Developed Ticket Management System API that automates the ticket assigning algorithm and improved efficiency by 40%.
  • Tech Stack: Java, Python, API, MySQL, Git, SVN
Developer Intern

July - Sep'20

  • Developed a Booking System REST API that supports all the CRUD Operations. Link
  • The REST API would also run 2 Cron Scheduled Jobs (at 5 minute and 10 minute intervals) to mark the tickets as expired and then delete them from the Database.
  • Tech Stack: Python, Django, Sqlite.
Central Drug Research Institute
Summer Intern
May - June'19
  • Web scraped the data from different sources and did Data Manipulation to get it ready for Machine Learning Models
  • Wrote Automation Scripts to automate the manual work.
  • Tech Stack Used: Python, Pandas, Selenium, BS4.
Open Source
Jan - June'19
  • SymPy is an open-source Python library for symbolic computation
  • Solved issues in the sympy library and have more than 10 PR's merged in the library
  • Opened up new issues in the library and helped in solving them.

My Projects

Movie/Series Search Engine

Movie Finder

A Django based website to search for movies on 12 streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, Zee5, Airtel XStream TV, Vodafone Play, ErosNow, MX Player and more. Website has been hosted on Heroku


Sorting Visualizer

A Sorting Visualizer made in python using matplotlib (python's data visualization library). It can visualize many sorting algorithms like Quick Sort, Merge Sort and more"

Entry Management

An Entry Management System made using Django to send E-Mail and SMS to the user and the host about the Check-In and Check-Out.


Image Encrypter

An Image Encrypter Website to hide message inside an image and mail it to the user. The User than uploads the image on the website to decrypt the image.

Hindi Speech
Emotion Recognition

Image Encrypter

Research Paper Published Extracted MFCC, SSC, LPC features from Hindi Audio Dataset provided by IIT-KGP. Made changes to Feature Extraction techniques, in turn improving our results. Used SVM, KNN, CNN and MLP Classifiers for Comparison

Positive & Negative
Link Prediction

Image Encrypter

Predicted Positive and Negative Links on top threads gathered from Reddit. Used Structural Balance Theory for predicting links. Used Sentiment Analysis to assign weight to edges.