A Django based website to search for movies on 12 streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, Zee5, Airtel XStream TV, Vodafone Play, ErosNow,
MX Player and more. Website has been hosted on Heroku
A Sorting Visualizer made in python using matplotlib (python's data visualization library). It can visualize many sorting
algorithms like Quick Sort, Merge Sort and more"
An Entry Management System made using Django to send E-Mail and SMS to the user and the host about the Check-In and Check-Out.
An Image Encrypter Website to hide message inside an image and mail it to the user. The User than uploads the image on the
website to decrypt the image.
Research Paper Published Extracted MFCC, SSC, LPC features from Hindi Audio Dataset provided by IIT-KGP. Made changes to Feature Extraction techniques,
in turn improving our results. Used SVM, KNN, CNN and MLP Classifiers for Comparison
Predicted Positive and Negative Links on top threads gathered from Reddit. Used Structural Balance Theory for predicting links.
Used Sentiment Analysis to assign weight to edges.